My Baby Blue Baluga

Greetings -
My name is Baby Baluga. I’m a 48 Pacifica Pilothouse and I wanted to tell you a bit about myself. Have a seat here on my back deck and relax while you soak up some sunshine. Feel the gentle breeze of the soft ocean air and taste the hint of salt on the tip of your tongue. Take in the aroma of the fresh catch of the day sizzling in garlic and lime on my lower aft deck barb-a-cue. Relax and breathe while I tell you the tales of my life.
Yes, I have traveled the seas both fishing and cruising and have plied the coasts of Mexico and for months enjoyed the traits and fascinations of it’s culture.
As you step aboard me, the legend of Pacificas comes alive. Safe and ruggedly built, a reputation for quality, dependability and sea-worthiness has been earned by serious owners since production began and we became one of the most popular boats ever among west coast anglers and cruisers. Built on a modified-V hull, my wide beam and the dramatic flair at the bow make me unmistakable.
For owners who crave a real classic, my Portuguese bridge and crows nest are a must. My incredibly strong Pacifica hull was built when the strength of fiberglass was yet to be proven and I have even been described as ‘bullet-proof’. Pacificas are well known here on the west coast being built right here in Costa Mesa, CA. And I don’t mean to sound proud but I was quite a well known success here in Southern California. Even Ted Turner, the America’s Cup winner cruised by and did a double-take. He navigated his grand lady in a full circle so that he could pull alongside one day as my owner was repairing a large American flag on the front deck. He grinned from the helm and proceeded to hand over a red ball cap worn by his crew and bearing the famous World Cup insignia. My owner still treasures it today.
My large and powerful engines are critical components to navigate and thrive in the oceans capricious waters. Oh yes! My fresh water keel-cooled 671 Detroit Diesel engines are the envy of many a boater. Not just that but my clean, massive and bright walk-around engine room makes any inspections a breeze and highlights the new wiring, the new Blue Sea electrical boxes, my newly replaced fuel filters - all focusing attention on my well maintained systems.
I am no cookie cutter to sit like a duck in a row with all the others. And I know the importance of comfort, not just a spartan utiliterian hole in the water. I am made to order with my interior completely re-designed and since I am a raised-deck pilothouse and high above the neighbors, privacy is assured. But don't just read about me, you have HAVE A LOOK AT ME right here on this site.